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Lecture of the Bezier curve for Adobe Illustrator

12.To adjusting a Bezier curve and being complete.
( Procedure 2 of the trace )

It is a sequel in the last time.It adjusts a Bezier curve in Adobe Illustrator.It uses the Direct Selection tool and Pen tool.

Bezier Master


When adjusting a Bezier curve, too, let's begin at the place to like.

It traces out a sketch by the Bezier curve with Adobe Illustrator9.( Figure 9 )

The Direct Selection tool from the hit to have begun to draw this timeIt uses and it corrects in turn.

By the segment unit, adjust a control handles on either side and let's take a balance.As for this, the adjustment ended just now to the bill below.( Figure 9 )

It traces out a sketch by the Bezier curve with Adobe Illustrator10.( Figure 10 )

It is the inside of the bill above.A center in the segment had been roughly upset when adjusting a control handle with either side, too, and adjusting the neighborhood of the anchor points to the sketch.( Figure 10 )

It traces out a sketch by the Bezier curve with Adobe Illustrator11.( Figure 11 )

Because the pushing off came somewhere however it adjusted control handles, it added an anchor point with the Pen tool.( Figure 11 )

It traces out a sketch by the Bezier curve with Adobe Illustrator12.( Figure 12 )

Make an anchor point move by the Direct Selection tool and let's adjust a control handle after that.( Figure 12 )

It traces out a sketch by the Bezier curve with Adobe Illustrator13.( Figure 13 )

This is the base of the bill above ( Figure 13 ).Because the control handles became long, the one which added one anchor point to the center of the segment may be better.

It traces out a sketch by the Bezier curve with Adobe Illustrator14.( Figure 14 )

It is adjusting the form of the occiput.( Figure 14 )This time, the crack had formed above.


It traces out a sketch by the Bezier curve with Adobe Illustrator15.( Figure 15 )

It added an anchor point to the part at this crack.( Figure 15 )

It traces out a sketch by the Bezier curve with Adobe Illustrator16.( Figure 16 )

It corrected the position of the added anchor points and all adjustments ended.Later, it is completion, drawing eyes.( Figure 16 )

The figure ( figure 17 ) below is in the condition of the end of the 11th lecture, the Bezier curve before adjustment.When attempting to compare, it thinks that it finds how where changed.

It traces out a sketch by the Bezier curve with Adobe Illustrator17.( Figure 17 )

To want to attempt to practice actually in Adobe Illustrator download an image below.

<hawk.gif Download>

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